Which umbrella companies does ID Medical work with?
Below is a list of umbrella companies that ID Medical currently works with.
Please note, ID Medical DOES NOT recommend any of these umbrella companies.
Our recommendation is that you use ID Medical’s direct PAYE payment method, which ensures that all appropriate deductions are made in full adherence to HMRC rules.
Should you choose to work with one or more of these umbrella providers, you do so entirely at your own risk. We would strongly recommend that you confirm with your chosen umbrella that all of your income is subject to appropriate deductions for PAYE tax and NICs. ID Medical cannot be held responsible for any loss you may incur, or believe you have incurred, as a result.
We take tax compliance seriously – if an offer sounds too good to be true, it almost certainly is, and we urge you to let us know immediately if any umbrella offers you a scheme that looks in any way dubious.