Frequently Asked NHS Interview Questions
Got an NHS interview on the horizon? Great! We’re here to help you feel a little bit more prepared by providing you with a full list of frequently asked NHS interview questions here in our latest blog.
With over 18 years’ experience within medical recruitment and more specifically, the knowledge of the structure and content of an NHS interview – we’ve put together the most frequently asked NHS interview questions! But, before we start, it’s important to remember that the NHS trust in question has requested to speak with you because they think you’re a potential good fit for the job.
Both of your time is precious and they’re hoping that you’ll be the perfect solution for their staffing needs and so, why not make it the best interview you’ve ever done! For a full guide on how to successfully prepare, you can view our guide here.
The Most Frequently Asked NHS Interview Questions:
The NHS & The UK |
Why do you want to work for the NHS? |
What do you know about the NHS as a service? |
Why do you want to relocate to the UK? |
Do you have any knowledge about our systems and our processes? |
The trust & the job |
What do you know about our specific trust? |
What are our values? |
What do you know about the job advertised? |
Can you tell us what you know about the job description? |
About yourself |
Tell me about yourself? |
Talk me through your CV and professional background? |
Tell me about your qualifications? |
Why did you choose to specialise in this specialty? |
What are your strengths? |
What are your weaknesses? |
Why should we choose you for the role? |
What are your hobbies? |
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We post daily blog posts, updates and insights into how to successfully relocate to the UK and join the NHS! What’s more is you can ask us your relocation questions and get further advice on the most frequently asked NHS interview questions! Just hit the ‘learn more’ button below!
Situational – Communication, Team Playing, Leadership, Stress & Conflict |
Tell us a situation where you showed good leadership? |
Tell us a time where you had to resolve conflict? |
Tell us a time where you were extremely stressed? |
What would you do if a patient refused the treatment you had suggested? |
How do you cope with criticism or a complaint being made about you? |
Where do you see yourself in the next five years? |
Teaching, training and keeping up to date |
Tell us about your teaching experience |
What measures do you take to improve your training? |
How do you identify your training needs? |
Tell us an example of a recent memorable case, where you learnt something new |
Ethical Scenarios |
What would you do if one of your colleagues turned up drunk on the ward? |
One of your peers is constantly arriving late to work, what do you do? |
Your Consultant does something that is against protocol, what do you do? |
How would you react if one of your colleagues refuses to treat a patient? |
Clinical Scenarios
At the end of the interview, you’ll be asked a clinical scenario to demonstrate your specialist knowledge and skills. For a list of example clinical scenarios, please email us at marketing@id-medical.com and we will be more than happy to help you!
Our Final Word
The above examples are simply just examples! NHS interviews typically last for just 20-25 minutes and it’s likely you’ll be asked one question in each category and they’ll move on. Remember to do your research, look professional, smile and most importantly – be confident!
We wish you the best of luck.
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Got a question that’s not covered by the most frequently asked NHS interview questions? Or are you an international doctor or nurse who is looking to join the NHS and you would like our support with securing NHS interviews?
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