Sep 5, 2024

New £82m ARRS Funding: How to Secure a GP Practice Role

Navigating the job market as a newly qualified GP – or indeed, as any Healthcare Professional – can be daunting, especially in the ever-evolving landscape of primary care. Fortunately, the UK Government’s new £82 million Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) funding is designed to alleviate some of this pressure. This significant financial boost is aimed […]

Sep 2, 2024

The Importance of Insourcing for NHS Clinical Services

What is Insourcing in Healthcare? Insourcing in healthcare refers to the practice of contracting external healthcare providers to deliver services within NHS facilities. This approach differs from outsourcing, where services are provided off-site. Insourcing helps fill staffing gaps, manage peak periods, and ensure continuous patient care. NHS trusts use insourcing to maintain high standards of […]